Works on IIuRBMPs and IIuNWEP launched

31 październikaa 2017 r.

Works aimed at drafting and publishing the 2nd update of the River Basin Management Plans and the National Water and Environmental Plan are under way. The need to verify and update both documents comes from the Water Framework Directive and Water Law.

Unlike previous version of the plans, drafted for 10 river basins, in the current, which is already the third planning cycle, the President of the National Water Holding Polish Waters (until 31 December it is the President of the National Water Management Authority) shall be responsible for the RBMPs for 9 areas: Vistula, Odra, Dniestr, Danube, Banówka, Elbe, Neman, Pregolya and Prokhladnaya river basins areas.
This project is co-financed by the European Union under the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme 2014-2020. The works have been divided according to tasks and shall be completed in stages until 2021, when the final versions of the documents are ready.
Updated RBMPs and NWEP should be published in 2021.
Set by the adopted schedule, the project will include 10 main tasks:
  1. Qualitative support, quality control and project management service,
  2. Analysing and updating units for planning including MPHP10,
  3. Identification of pressures in the water regions and river basins,
  4. Implementation of the method of assessing environmental flows in Poland,
  5. Progress assessment of the implementation of action plans including drafting report for the EC (I uNWEP) and review of essential problems of the water management),
  6. Setting forth environmental objectives for bodies of water and drafting register of the protected areas,
  7. Drafting national renaturalisation programme for surface waters,
  8. Analysis of significant anthropogenic impacts and assessment of their impact on the status of waters as well as the risk of failing to achieve environmental objectives,
  9. Drafting the 2nd update of the National Water and Environmental Programme  along with the methodology,
  10. Preparing draft of the 2nd updated River Basin Management Plans (uRBMPs) along with the methodologies.
Part of the project will also be the obligatory, six month long, public consultations, local and nation-wide meetings. All details will be published on our website.
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